(点击上方关注键盘侠,键盘军威获悉更多有趣资讯。侠 下引) [赛后贴]今日NBA西部季后赛次轮,森林乌海市某某商业展览服务中心森林狼客场106-80战胜掘金。狼穷乱入系列赛2-0领先。震天 森林狼(2-0):爱德华兹27分2篮板7助攻2抢断,共鸣冠手唐斯27分12篮板2封盖,湖蜜麦克丹尼尔斯5分2篮板3助攻2抢断,被叉李凯尔6分9篮板8助攻2抢断,出去康利4分3篮板6助攻2抢断,键盘军威米诺特3分,侠 下引米勒2篮板,森林加尔扎2分,狼穷乱入纳兹-里德14分5篮板4封盖,震天乌海市某某商业展览服务中心莫里斯2分,共鸣冠手亚历山大-沃克14分6篮板3封盖,摩尔2分。 掘金(0-2):约基奇16分16篮板8助攻,穆雷8分13篮板2助攻2抢断,戈登20分4篮板2助攻,波特9分5篮板2助攻,波普4分3篮板,纳吉1分1篮板,贾斯丁-霍勒迪13分2篮板,雷吉3分2篮板,皮克特2分,布劳恩2分2篮板,斯特劳瑟2分。 [–]LakersJayQuips 801 points 33 minutes ago Holding the defending champs to 80 points on their home floor without your best defender is nasty work 湖人球迷:在全队最强防守球员缺阵的情况下,把卫冕冠军的全场得分压制在80分,伤害性极大,侮辱性极强!! 新闻链接>>>>>>戈贝尔因孩子出生缺席今日G2 [–]TimberwolvesImDeputyDurland 548 points 32 minutes ago 80 points at home in what most would consider a must win is fucking bonkers. 森林狼球迷:在这么一个主场作战,众所周知非赢不可的比赛中,就拿了80分,简直是石乐志!! [–]Timberwolvescalel8242 [score hidden] 27 minutes ago Against a team without their best defender too, holy shit 森林狼球迷:这还是在对方的防守箭头人物缺阵的情况下,厚礼蟹!!
[–]Trail BlazersClassics22 [score hidden] 34 minutes ago They made them implode. Malone freaked out and charged on the court. Murray threw shit on the court during play. AE getting MVP chats in Denver. Absolutely fucking punked 开拓者球迷:掘金队的心态已经崩了!!马龙哆哆嗦嗦在场边尿裤子!!穆雷在比赛过程中往场内瞎扔东西!!掘金主场还响起了“华子MVP”的呼声!!被彻底打成了小丑!! 新闻链接>>>>>>破大防!穆雷不仅扔暖宝宝进场 还对裁判比了收钱手势 新闻链接>>>>>>马龙:我们被对手踢了屁股 在主场球迷面前出丑了
穆雷扔暖宝宝 [–]Timberwolvesperen005 [score hidden] 25 minutes ago lol it’s like Malone’s game plan was so focused on Rudy out and it back fired. 森林狼球迷:哈哈哈!!马龙的比赛计划和战术貌似全部都是针对戈贝尔缺阵设计的,万万没想到啊,今天是被自己的战术给画死的~~
[–]RocketsREQ52767 97 points 37 minutes ago The Wolves actually having a chance at a championship is surreal to me. I never thought I’d see the day. 火箭球迷:森林狼竟然显出了冠军相!!听上去像是另一个次元的事儿!!没曾想有朝一日我能见着这个!!
[–]Lakersmr-fiend [score hidden] 35 minutes ago Now that my team’s gone they’re such an easy team to root for. Amazing team basketball on both sides of the ball. 湖人球迷:我湖已经寄了~森林狼实在太吸粉了,想不支持他们都难啊~~他们的团队型打法在攻防两端玩儿得太漂亮了!!
[–]76ershehehehahahaha 96 points 38 minutes ago Wolves in 4 76人球迷:森林狼4场晋级!! [–]TimberwolvesElectricalMud2850[] 108 points 37 minutes ago Target Center is gonna fucking explode. 森林狼球迷:到时候森林狼主场肯定要炸翻天了!!! [–][DAL] Wang Zhizhisuzukigun4life 421 points 39 minutes ago The Timberwolves are 6-0 in the playoffs so far, with four of those games being in Phoenix and Denver, by an average margin of 15 points per game. I am shook. 王治郅球迷:季后赛至今,森林狼已经6连胜了,其中4场胜利还是在太阳和掘金的主场拿的,场均赢对手15分!把我给震惊到了!! [–]NuggetsDoctorryge [score hidden] 36 minutes ago Gonna be 8-0 by next Sunday 掘金球迷:等到下礼拜天,森林狼就要8连胜咯…
[–]TimberwolvesUniverseChamp [score hidden] 34 minutes ago Somebody pinch me. 森林狼球迷:谁来掐我一下,我是不是在做梦啊~~~
[–][CHI] Cameron PayneSim888 628 points 40 minutes ago I dunno what Adidas signed Edwards for, but whatever it was, they got themselves a bargain! 公牛球迷:不清楚当时阿迪达斯为啥会签下爱德华兹,但不管怎么样,这下阿迪达斯可是赚大发了啊!!! [–]TimberwolvesSwishBender 237 points 42 minutes ago So I'm a lifelong Wolves fan. There is this emotion I'm feeling. It's like an expectation that good things might happen. Is this okay? Does anyone have a name for this? 森林狼球迷:我是森林狼死忠!当下我有一种莫名的feel,像是预感到有什么好事要发生~~这没什么大碍吧?有人知道这是什么心理现象吗?
[–]KingsInsaneCookies21 [score hidden] 37 minutes ago us poverty franchises have waited so long, congrats 国王球迷:像咱们这种祖上不富裕的穷苦球队,等了好久终于等到今天,梦了好久终于把梦实现,恭喜啊,森同志~~
[–]Timberwolvesshrekapotomusrex [score hidden] 15 minutes ago Poverty franchises must stick together. A win for one is a win for us all 森林狼球迷:穷苦球队们一定要团结在一起,一个穷苦人翻身,就是千千万万穷苦人的胜利!! [–][LAL] Sasha Vujacicnysraved [score hidden] 7 minutes ago Hell yeah, us poverty franchises got your back against Denver! 乱入的湖人球迷:他娘的说得太好了!!咱们穷苦球队们会站在一起,支持你们干掉掘金的!!!
[–]SunsTheOverBored [score hidden] 3 minutes ago Wait a second, who let this guy in? Get em! 太阳球迷:等等,口号先停一停!楼上这个姓湖的鸟人是怎么混进来的?!来人啊,给我叉出去!! 热知识:湖人队史共拿到17个总冠军,和凯尔特人并列联盟第一。
[–]LakersBigButter7 148 points 47 minutes ago The difference between us and the Wolves as Denver's opponent is pretty vast to say the least. Good lord. 湖人球迷:同样是掘金的对手,我湖和森林狼的差距咋就嫩么大捏?!我的天爷哟~~~ [–]LakersPretendDubs [score hidden] 41 minutes ago Doesn't look close, Minnesota got these guys fighting for their lives. 湖人球迷:差得不是一星半点~~~森林狼是把刀架在球员的脖子上,不赢球就抹脖子啊~~~
[–]LakersJack_M_Steel [score hidden] 38 minutes ago 2v5 compared to 5v5 lol 湖人球迷:人家是正经5打5,我湖是2打5,哈哈哈~~~ [–]Lvl1_Mimikyu 98 points 48 minutes ago The Wolves’ defensive pressure is just insane. They stayed hungry while having a 20+ point lead. The Nuggets got absolutely bullied out there - almost more turnovers than assists… 球迷:森林狼在防守端的压迫性太恐怖了!!哪怕都领先20多分了他们还不嫌够!!掘金被彻彻底底地蹂躏了一顿!!失误数量几乎要超过助攻数了!! 注:今日掘金全场助攻数16次,失误数16次。 [–]Lakersokheay 22 points 58 minutes ago Living vicariously through the wolves 湖人球迷:我间接从森林狼身上体验到了快感~~~
[–]Ok_Refrigerator1395 30 points an hour ago Lmaoo Denver might actually be frauds. Playing a 50 win team for the first time in a playoff series in the past 2 seasons 球迷:笑死我了~~~掘金搞不好就是一支假强队而已~~最近两年,第一次在季后赛碰到50胜球队,立马就吃瘪了~~~ 新闻链接>>>>>>主场0-2!美媒:约基奇从未在季后赛击败过50+胜场的球队 [–]Bulls_Did_ [score hidden] 50 minutes ago The nuggets when they are not playing retirement home lakers and hospital heat 公牛球迷:当对手不是湖人敬老院和热火住院部的时候,掘金be like …
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